Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reusing and Recycling the Red Bins

thanksfor the fun for kids

good silage mate

Boys loved basketball

Potmovers were the most popular

ladder makes compaction possible

Garden cart becomes billycart only when needed

Also we produced a basketball hoop and kids slide for the show .Thanks to all those who offered us bins .
Those of you who want to recycle those red bins might like to consider some options listed HERE. We are hoping , in conjunction with the Shire, to reuse many of those not wanted,( rather than completely recycle the materials), for a wide variety of local projects, including some really fun things for the big and little boys amongst us HERE (only a few listed on the website at present).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's new in Winter ?

Well if you need to keep warm and keep fit- there are some great energetic exercise classes in the hall run by Nat .( In the lounge while the election is on )
Pat has espaliered the apples and pears ( on the workshop wall) in the backyard so if want to do same with yours, take note .
Is it time to prune? Yes for most things except peaches apricots and nectarines- summer or autumn or better.